Fall 2020 Essays
Media & Technology
The Influence of Instagram, the Marketing Megalodon by Ashley Morales
Artful Characterization in Emma and Pride and Prejudice by Olivia Nast
From Me To You: How The Beatles Created Space for Boy Bands in the Music Industry by Hannah Devlin
The Corporate Greed of Alienby Sebastian Diaz
Social Justice & Ethical Culture
The Moldy Truth by Lillian Hohag
The Ethics of Meat Consumption in the United States by Leah Langhoff
Glory and the Goat: The Ethics of Buzkashi, Afghanistan’s Favorite Game by Tierney Kulju
Notes on the Activist New Yorker and Their Symbolic Home: Union Square by Eric Lucido
Slicing Through the Pyramid: The Predatory Nature of Multi-Level Marketing by Laura Grogan
Our Shared Future
Gen Z’s Identity: Shaped by Covid-19 and Social Media by Sarah Shanahan
Childhood Illiteracy: A Hidden Crisis in the United States by Nora Leach
The Fight for Artsakh by Taylor Manookian-Gregory
Our Own Reckless Ways: Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Ocean Plastic Pollution by Kate Laboda